Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day 2009

I am a big fan of doing everything I can to make the earth better. So every April 22nd I get the urge to pick recyclables out of trash receptacles. Sounds disgusting to most people however what I am more disgusted by is the amount of recyclables that go into the normal trash cans. And yes, it is a little awkward walking up to this symbol of dirtiness and sticking your hand in it while beach goers are watching. You get over it though, especially when you completely empty a trash can because its entirety was recyclable( minus the orange peel...but that could be composted!) A special thank you to Quinn Noonan who not only stood by me to photograph the event but also told people what I was doing as we walked past (and got very positive feedback from everyone too). All together we collected 33 glass bottles, 31 aluminum cans, 29 plastic bottles, and 10 plastic containers(stuff like fruit trays and solo cups). This is the equivalence of 14.6 kw/hr....or in human terms, enough power to take 7347 hours of pictures. I  encourage everyone to do something green. Also, there will be more beach recycling trips so if you're interested in being one of the few trash pickers let me know! 

1 comment:

sarah said...

you rock! way to go for earth day! :)