Sunday, June 28, 2009

Abby and Bryan 6.18.09

I knew she looked familiar! She looked like a beautiful actress but what was her name? It's like something on the tip of your tongue that you just can't get out. Well, finally , after a little googling, I got it. My bride Abigail is the spitting image of Hollywood superstar Julianne Moore. Abby, aka Julianne, Bryan, 13 month old daughter, Sydney, and the closest family and friends gathered on the white sandy beaches in front of the Don CeSar to witness the marriage of Abby and Bryan. It was a beautiful evening. The sky was overcast which to some may seem horrible, however, June in Florida, I'm not complaining. It probably kept the temperature at least 7 degrees cooler. And from a photographer's perspective it also gave a very even soft light on my subjects. Abby and Bryan were awesome to work with. They were so laid back and easy going. Even their daughter was a little love. She had a thing for the sand, and constantly wanted to eat it. But I guess if you're from Wisconsin you want to get as much of the beach as possible.Congrats Abby and Bryan.

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